Rodrigo Rocco  Made $3.4K+ in 3 Months from ‘Job Board Search’
Rodrigo Rocco is the founder of Job Board Search - A curated list of the best job boards in the world.

Tell us about your product and what inspired you to start it?

When StackOverflow Job announced it was shutting down a lot of folks were talking about it and asking for alternatives on Twitter, it was a late Saturday night and before going to bed I registered, the next morning did the first version in 5 hours plus added around 15 boards and put it online and after I tweeted about it under a Piters Levels (NomadList & RemoteOK founder) tweet, immediately there was lots of interest, and job boards founders asking to be included. The next morning Pieter sent me a DM offering support and made some RTs and it took off!

How long did it take you to acquire your first 50 customers, and what was your growth strategy?

It's been 3 months since I included paid options, which are Sponsored Slots & Job Board Listing Upgrades (Highlight, Custom Color, Sticky). So far 20 paid customers and $3458.85 in revenue.

Which technology stack are you using and what challenges and limitations does it pose?

I am doing it the Levelsio's way... a single index.php file (well now there are 2 files actually), vanilla CSS with no frameworks, HTML, JavaScript (jQuery).
I've made a bot that pulls the data from Airtable and stores it on a JSON file for caching and performance purposes

What are some of the most essential tools that you use for your business?

I use PostHog and Google Analitycs

What have been some of the biggest insights you've gained since starting your entrepreneurial journey?

To build in public, to ship as soon as possible instead to wait until is "perfect"!
I like the My First Million podcast but what I most like is to learn by following others founders building in public.

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